Every Major PS4 Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

12. Infamous: Second Son/First Light

Infamous Second Son 2
Sucker Punch

Cast to the wayside of the gaming industry over time, both PS3 Injustice games found substantial fanbases amongst Sony diehards, with Second Son being one hell of a launch day release on the PS4.

Sadly, the same issues with overly floaty control and taking too much damage from unseen foes during combat prevailed, but as a demonstration of just what the system could do, Second Son is still one of the best-looking games on the PS4.

Sucker Punch would later release Infamous: Last Light, an expansion/full release that focused on fan-favourite Abigail, herself having a different set of powers to bomb around the city with. Overall this was 'more Infamous', but in a supremely polished way that excelled in storytelling and world traversal - it's just a shame those combat controls were never truly mastered.

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