Every Major PS4 Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

9. No Man's Sky

No Mans Sky
Hello Games

Saying No Man's Sky is anything other than the antichrist tends to get met with puzzled looks, but thanks to the 1.3 Update especially, Hello Games' initially disastrous release has gone from being an exploration-happy art project, to a phenomenal role-playing, survivalist sci-fi romp.

Now instead of being ushered in the direction of crafting components and better suit tech, there's a full story exploring the human need for exploration, a mission board doling out contracts for wanton space villains, factional warfare, dogfights, vehicles, even multiplayer.

Yes, it took them a year of adding functionality to make up for every last promise Sean Murray blurted out across the pre-release marketing, but No Man's Sky is finally the game you wanted in 2016.

With the tech wizardry of generating quintillions of planets at its core and some truly enjoyable RPG elements, this is essential for any sci-fi fan.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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