Every Major Video Game Of Q1 2019 - Ranked

14. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

No More Heroes Travis Strikes Again
Grasshopper Manufacture

There's a reason you didn't hear much about the Switch's No More Heroes exclusive after that first announcement...

It was deflatingly naff.

Thankfully the humour and tone of SUDA 51 does carry everything other than gameplay, as - in the weirdest move for the franchise so far, and that is saying something - everything plays top-down and from a great distance, like some weird proto hack n' slasher.

Yes, the premise of a demonic video game console loading main-man Travis into a series of different games sounds genius, but when the vast majority are the exact same control scheme with the camera shifted around, you'll see the cracks almost immediately.

Goichi Suda made various comments as to how this was a "one-off" and not part of the main NMH canon, and though that could've resulted in more freedom than ever, his return to the series is a crippling disappointment, saved only by an array of unlockable in-game shirts that include all your favourite indie titles.

Why - oh why - did the Switch not get a proper No More Heroes game?!

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