Every Major Xbox One Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Gears Of War 4

Xbox One Games
The Coalition

Dropping late last year, Gears of War 4 had the gargantuan task of continuing a story that was so neatly tied off at the end of Epic Games' original trilogy. With a new studio at the helm, a new protagonist raring to go and an entirely new set of grubs to chainsaw your way through, the soft-reboot had the potential to relaunch the franchise in a massive way.

Unfortunately, despite the injection of new blood into the series, the latest sequel was essentially just more of the same old Gears of War that fans were used to. While that might have been all some players wanted from the sequel, it was a touch disappointing that the new studio wasn't able to put its own mark on the franchise.

But still, even though it relied heavily on the past rather than forging ahead with its own creative vision, Gears 4 is still a blast to play, and in terms of sheer spectacle, rivals the blockbuster set-piece moments of anything you can find on either Microsoft's console or Sony's PS4.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3