Every Major Xbox One Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Killer Instinct

Xbox One Games

When it was revealed that Microsoft was finally bringing back the cult classic fighting series Killer Instinct as a launch game for the Xbox One, it came with the caveat that the title was going to be free to play.

While fans were wary that this could mean little support for the game going forward however, the developers and Microsoft have continued to give players a reason to jump back into the game even four years after its initial release, constantly updating the title with new content to keep things fresh.

The wealth of new characters and costumes that have been added to the game over time is impressive in its own right, but Killer Instinct would have earned a high spot on this list on the basis of its superbly satisfying core 1v1 gameplay alone.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3