Every Major Xbox One Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Quantum Break

Xbox One Games

Announced back when the Xbox One was heavily focused on being a multimedia box rather than a dedicated games system, Quantum Break was unfortunately a victim of Microsoft's decision to ditch its original vision for the console back in 2013.

But that doesn't mean that Remedy's shooter turned out to be a bad game by any means, just that some of its decisions - such as the heavy focus on live-action cut-scenes to replace regular in-game cinematics - felt like hangovers from the One's failed first incarnation.

Fortunately however the story was strong enough (and the live-action moments decent enough), to carry the game forward even when its third-person shooter mechanics started to feel a bit stale.

It's not as great as some of the other games the developer has put out (and a lot of fans probably would have preferred an Alan Wake 2 instead), but Quantum Break is still one of the best story-driven shooters you can find on Xbox One.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3