Every Major Xbox One Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

7. State Of Decay: Year One Survival Edition

Xbox One Games
Undead Labs

One of the most memorable titles of the last generation was a little game called State of Decay; a zombie survival sim that came out of nowhere to become everyone's favourite new multiplayer addiction.

Gaining a rather impressive fanbase in the years since it hit PC and the 360, Microsoft released an updated definitive version of the game, the Year One Survival Edition, for the Xbox One in 2015.

Opening the title up to an entirely new audience, the remastered version of State of Decay managed to build upon the hype surrounding popular survival games like Day Z that were tearing up the charts on Steam.

Boasting more polish than some of those titles and being a surprisingly solid action game in its own right, the title was able to appeal to players who were turned off by the punishingly hardcore nature of other survival games.

It was still a bit rough around the edges, but it wasn't enough to deter players from the game's addictive gameplay.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3