Every Major Xbox One Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Halo 5: Guardians

Xbox One Games
343 Industries

Despite its muddled and misleading marketing campaign, 343 Studios' Halo 5 was still an otherwise solid entry into the revered Xbox franchise.

Subverting expectations by making the player hunt down Master Chief himself for much of the campaign, the game tried to shake up the core formula of the franchise by adding new playable characters and increasing its focus on cooperative multiplayer.

The changes didn't please everyone however, and could be viewed as strange decisions to make after the studio had already relaunched the series with Halo 4, but what 343 attempted to do with this sequel is still commendable.

Plus the title's multiplayer was still as strong as ever, proving once again that Halo's gunplay is still one of the most satisfying around.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3