Every Pokémon Generation Ranked From Worst To Best
3. Generation 3 (Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire)

The most recent generation introduced into Pokémon Go, gen 3 is strong from top to bottom. It gives us another set of great starter Pokémon, with Torchic and Mudkip in particular growing into particularly strong fighters.
Milotic, gen 3's answer to Gyarados, is a beautiful Pokémon with good stats, and Flygon is one of the most interesting and useful dragon types in the game. Altaria, Shiftry and Torkoal all boast awesome designs, and Wailord is deservedly famous for its monstrous size.
Gardevoir, Absol, Salamence and Metagross are all bruisers, but it is Aggron who tops the list, being both tough and awesome looking. The legendaries introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire are arguably the greatest of all time, with Kyogre and Groudon having impressive stats, cool designs and an interesting backstory. Rayquaza, an incredibly powerful flying dragon, remains one of the most badass-looking creatures in the franchise.
It is in some of the Pokémon designs where gen 3 falls down. Mawile, Spinda, Swalot and Huntail are all butt ugly, while Baltoy, Claydol, Lileep and Cradily are contenders for the worst-looking Pokémon of all time. Skitty is cute, but largely useless, and while Shedinja is a cool concept, in actuality it's just a waste of space.