Every Pokémon Generation Ranked From Worst To Best
2. Generation 1 (Pokémon Red & Blue)

From the monstrous Gyarados to the adorable Jigglypuff, if you think of Pokémon, you'll likely think of the creatures from the Kanto region.
Some of the Pokémon introduced in Red and Blue, like Dragonite and Mewtwo, remain contenders for the strongest fighters in the series. Eevee and its first three evolutions - Jolteon, Flareon and Vaporeon - are more beloved than any of the future continuations of the line. Pikachu is the face of the franchise and a beloved character the world over, and the starters (with the possible exception of Bulbasaur) are still chosen to this day.
That's not to say that gen 1 didn't have its weak points. Voltorb and Electrode remain some of the worst-designed Pokémon of all time, while Exeggcute, Mr. Mime and Jynx are all pretty lame. Gen 1 was also stacked with Pokémon who are basically useless in battle, including Rattata, Pidgey and Zubat. Even the legendary birds, though adored for their designs and the memory of the thrill you felt when encountering them for the first time, are relatively weak compared to the legendary Pokémon of later games.
The first generation of Pokémon is inarguably iconic, and full of wonderful creatures, but original doesn't always mean the best.