Every WWE 2K17 Superstar Rating Revealed & Ranked Worst To Best

60. Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kingston WWE 2k17
2K Games

Rating: 86

Last Year's Rating: 84

Kofi can probably count himself lucky to be rated this high, given some of the others around him. For instance, does he deserve the same rating as Kevin Owens? He does not. But it's hard to argue with him getting an uplift from last year, so it's a tough thing to balance.

59. Tatsumi Fujinami

Tatsumi Fujinami WWE 2k17
2K Games

Rating: 86

Last Year's Rating:

The Japanese Hall Of Famer and now WWE ambassador returns after making his debut in DLC last year, much to the delight of old school grap-fans. Ratings wise, he's pretty much exactly where he ought to be too.

58. Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens WWE 2k17
2K Games

Rating: 86

Last Year's Rating: 91

In what world does Kevin Owens deserve not only a comparatively paltry 86 rating overall but also a downgrading of 5 points on last year?! He might look good, but that is harsh considering how well he and Jericho have worked together. Maybe it suits his underdog status in the product, though, I suppose.

57. Charlotte

Charlotte WWE 2k17
2K Games

Rating: 86

Last Year's Rating: N/A

The woman proclaimed the Greatest Ever in the past year (rightly or wrongly) should probably warrant the highest rating in the game for her Division. Clearly 2K aren't of the same thinking, since she ranks a rung down from the top.

That likeness is ridiculously bad, incidentally. It's like they've not actually scanned her.

56. Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 86

Last Year's Rating: N/A

The Legit Boss debuts with a very solid 86 - only a single point behind the highest rated female wrestlers in the game. She can be happy with that, and her likeness is mercifully pretty good as well. Provided you ignore the hair, obviously.

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