Every WWE 2K17 Superstar Rating Revealed & Ranked Worst To Best

40. Sting '91

Sting 91 WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 87

Last Year's Rating: 92

Having scanned Sting for multiple variants, 2K continue their heavy use of the WCW legend, including three this time out. The love affair doesn't burn quite as brightly this year though as his highest rated period takes a tumble by a massive 5 points. Maybe he's just not seen as being as relevant as he was.

39. Sting

Sting WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 87

Last Year's Rating: 89

The old master might be retired now, but his Legends contract means he still qualifies comfortably in the top half of the roster. And it's good to see there are multiples of him still, because they're all great models. Would have been a shame to see them go to waste, even if it is strange that he's in 3 times and very few others are.

38. Lita

Lita WWE 2k17
2K Games

Rating: 87

Last Year's Rating: 86

After returning last year for DLC, Lita comes back to WWE 2K17 with the joint highest rating for any Women's Division star (alongside DLC stable-mate Trish Stratus). It's hard to argue with it in terms of the hierarchy of the Division, but it's difficult to justify her being a point behind Randy Orton. Obviously those direct comparisons shouldn't be made, though, no matter how compelling.

37. Big Show '00

Big Show 00 WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 88

Last Year's Rating: N/A

After his modern variant was rated at a frankly comical 91 last year, there was always potential for 2K to remember Big Show's past more fondly than anyone else did. In the end, 88 is probably the right number for him: it reinforces how difficult he was as an opponent without getting quite as silly as last year.

36. Randy Orton

Randy Orton WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 88

Last Year's Rating: 91

Another star to have bee removed from the company picture for a long time due to injury, Randy Orton's demotion from last year's rating might be one of the most frustrating revelations in WWE 2K17. He doesn't deserve it, and fans currently complaining about him being under-rated are spot on.

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