Every WWE 2K17 Superstar Rating Revealed & Ranked Worst To Best

35. Diamond Dallas Page

Diamond Dallas Page WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 88

Last Year's Rating: 87

I mean, that is QUITE a hairstyle. Who knew DDP was part lion? He gets an uplift from last year, but someone really ought to check whether he's hoarding points in that outrageous do, which makes the good work in capturing his face almost completely redundant.

34. Lex Luger

Lex Luger WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 88

Last Year's Rating: 87

An improvement this year for Lex Luger, whose most notable feature in WWE 2K17 is that he appears to be modelled at least partly on a baked bean. Just as he was in real life during his career, in fact.

33. Cesaro

Cesaro WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 88

Last Year's Rating: 88

He might still have his fans - and there's obviously a few at 2K - but after a year part-ravaged by injury and stagnated by boring booking (and a blunted end to a hyped best of 7 series, never forget), it's quite surprising to see Cesaro retain his rating from last year. Maybe 2K agree with Stone Cold's assessment of him.

32. Diesel

Diesel WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 88

Last Year's Rating: N/A

Big Sexy fans rejoice: the best version of Kevin Nash is included this year - presumably thanks to the scans from last year's DLC. Shame you can't reunite the nWo just yet, but there are... issues that stop that elsewhere of course. 88's a little low for Nash's most iconic gimmick, but there's only so much space for 90+ stars.

31. Finn Balor

Finn Balor WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 88

Last Year's Rating: 88

Despite his belated promotion to the main roster, briefly held belt and the way WWE seemed to be looking to book his Demon King gimmick, it's rather odd that Finn Balor wasn't given any uplift from last year.

He looks good - in and out of make-up - but he was surely worth more than last year?

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