Evolve: 10 Big Things You Need To Know Before Buying

9. The Progression System

You might be surprised to know that Evolve actually contains a progression system. From the beginning the game only offers you four hunters and one monster to play as. In order to unlock the other characters and monsters you have to play with each class consistently. Only after you€™ve leveled up every ability for each character do you unlock the next, of which there are three for each class. Playing well, leveling up character abilities, and unlocking new characters also contributes to your overall level. The better you play the faster you level up. Leveling up unlocks new perks you can apply in each match. Basically the more you play, the more characters you unlock, and the stronger you get overall. It€™s not particularly exceptional, but it does give you incentive to keep playing in order to unlock everything available at launch. With that being said, the progression system does feel a bit arbitrary; like it was implemented in order to artificially lengthen the game. New players will need to dedicate a substantial amount of time to the game in order to see everything, and once this is accomplished Evolve becomes a more enjoyable experience. You just have to work at it a bit.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.