Evolve: 10 Big Things You Need To Know Before Buying

7. Only 3 Monsters

So you€™d think that since Evolve offers a sizable number of playable hunters at launch that the case would be the same for the monsters, but you€™d be wrong. Don€™t go in expecting a considerable number of monsters to play as. As of this moment a paltry three monsters are playable: the Goliath, the Kraken, and the Wraith. The three monsters are different enough that playing as each provides different experiences. The Goliath is the powerhouse monster that focuses on brute strength. The Kraken is more agile and uses long-ranged attacks to keep its distance from the hunters. The Wraith is all about stealth, attacking from the shadows to take the hunters by surprise. All three are great monsters both in terms of design and mechanics, which makes you wish there was more. There is only so many times you can play as or fight the same three monsters before repetition sets in, especially since the monster always works alone. Having only three monsters at launch highlights how lacking in quantity the content is; a feeling heightened by the knowledge that more monsters are being kept as post launch DLC. It just feels wrong that a game that prides itself on letting you play as the monster has so few monsters to play as. It€™s an issue that could resolve itself over time, but as of right now is one of Evolve€™s major disappointments.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.