Evolve: 10 Big Things You Need To Know Before Buying

6. Gameplay Modes

Promotion for Evolve has focused mostly on the Hunt, a mode in which the four hunters attempt to track and kill the monster before it evolves to full strength. But while the Hunt can be considered the heart of Evolve, it actually has a decent number of other modes, all of which are interesting in their own right. Defend sees the hunters defend generators against a horde of monsters led by a player controlled fully evolved monster. Nest mode has the hunters attempt to destroy the eggs of the monster while it attempts to hatch them. And Rescue mode has hunters try to rescue colonists while the monster tries to stop them. However, the meatiest mode of Evolve is Evacuation, in which you play through a series of five matches across all maps and modes in the game. It€™s the closest Evolve gets to the Versus mode of Left 4 Dead, and the closest it gets to a traditional campaign. Circumstances change slightly in the next match depending on who won the last one, which makes it highly replayable. These modes add variety to the game, which makes claims that it doesn€™t have enough content to sustain itself a bit dubious. Ultimately it€™s up to you to decide whether these modes are enough to sustain your interest.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.