Fable 4 Officially Announced: 10 Things To Return The Series To Greatness

8. Make Choices Matter

Fable 4
Lionhead Studios

Back when the original Fable was announced, creator Peter Molyneux made all sorts of promises surrounding its dynamic world, morality system and branching paths. His most famous anecdote was that if your character chose to plant a tree, you would be able to watch it grow in real time.

The game is now infamous for its failure to truly live up to what was promised, probably largely down to the fact that the game is from 2004. And the binary choices in Fable 2 and 3 weren't all too thrilling, either.

But since then choice based games have become the bread and butter for successful RPGs, with the likes of Bioware titles and The Witcher 3 having countless ways for paths to deviate, whether they be big or small changes.

Peter Molyneux's original promises of choice are legendary in how far fetched they were for the time, but the kind of things he talked about back then are possible now. Now we could see a return to what was originally conceived for the series. And if we're exploring the concept of morality at a next-gen level, the good and evil branches could be seriously fun.

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