Fable 4 Officially Announced: 10 Things To Return The Series To Greatness

3. Dialogue Choices

Fable 4

This isn't totally necessary for an RPG to be successful, but for a series so rooted in choice and extreme morality differences, the fully voiced companion introduced in Fable 3 and presumably returning could really do with some dialogue options to hone in on the idea of choice.

In the first few games, the only choices that could be considered dialogue choices are when making an action-based choice in a quest that dictates how it ends (such as farting in someone's face to show what you thought of them... yes really), and in Fable 3 the morality dialogue choices are simply deciding what to do with Albion once you sit on the throne.

Different tone and outcome choices in conversations and plotlines would go a long way in establishing the franchise as what it was initially promised to be: shaped by your decisions.

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