Fable Xbox Series SX: 10 Things It Can Learn From Yakuza

1. Story, THEN Premium Adventure Mode

Fable yakuza
Ryu ga Gotoku Studio

Premium Adventure Mode and New Game+ are where the Yakuza games give the maximum amount of freedom to the player. Want to swap between multiple characters whenever you feel like it? Feel free.

Want to rest until nightfall when different events are active or hang around until daytime? That's your choice in these modes because that freedom just doesn't exist in the first playthrough.

This is so that players can experience the story as designed by the writers. In that mode, if you have an appointment that night it makes no sense to spend weeks going back and forth between night and day and swapping cities so that you can chase up sidequests, but the freedom to do that exists in Premium Adventure Mode.

While I'm not arguing that Fable should be as restrictive as Yakuza in the difference between the modes (you wouldn't normally show up to a funeral dressed as a clown, so even changing clothes is locked in Yakuza's main game) some restrictions would allow the story to take centre stage while allowing a new mode that enhances the craziness to unlock afterward.

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Fable 4
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