Fable Xbox Series SX: 10 Things It Can Learn From Yakuza

2. Contextual Heat Actions

Fable yakuza

Yakuza's combat system seems quite simple at first glance. You've got fast attacks and stronger, but slower, finishing attacks to mix and match into combos. These are joined by grabs that can lead to free hits or throws, as well as an uber hulking out mode where the protagonists deal more damage and are less likely to be knocked down.

Further training can unlock contextual attacks that allow Kiryu to perform a cinematic move in certain circumstances. Steal the knife from your attacker, ram it into their stomach, and then drive a knee into the hilt so it goes deeper?

That's a button press away.

Break the arm of a gunman then take the gun and fire a few bullets at the guy nursing his injured elbow? Same button, different circumstances.

These contextual attacks and maneuvers cover multiple situations that characters can find themselves in during combat, from taking down multiple assailants to disarming to slamming enemies headfirst into nearby walls.

On easier difficulties it adds a visceral quality to the combat that makes even button mashers feel clever, while those on higher difficulties will find themselves with plenty of tactical options to help them survive.

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Fable 4
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