Fable Xbox Series SX: 10 Things It Can Learn From Yakuza

7. Not Just Browsing In Stores

Fable yakuza

Shops in the Yakuza series follow Fable's example, bucking the traditional RPG trend of having the weakest items available in the starting town (whether that be a lowly village or the capitol of a huge empire), and slowly gaining access to more powerful stuff.

Here, price is the main obstacle that stops players getting access to some of the best items from the very beginning of the games.

But there are still ways that Fable could learn from Yakuza with its shops, and one of those is to fill the shelves not just with items but also animations and physics.

Should enemies follow Kiryu into a shop in Kamurocho, the ensuing fight could damage the shelves or windows and this damage will cause the shopkeep to furiously refuse to serve the winner until things are fixed up later on.

Beyond that, the shops create hidden narratives that aren't mentioned in the games, such as the way the M-Store convenience chain started experimenting with online deliveries in Yakuza 5, and their physical locations have been taken over by the rival Poppo stores by the time of Yakuza 6.

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Fable 4
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