Fallout: 10 Crazy Secrets (That You Totally Have To Check Out)

6. Arlington Cemetery

Game: Fallout 3 Arlington Cemetery is a fairly large area, although it can be tricky to find and get to if you don€™t already know how. The site is only accessible from the Flooded Metro Station, in which the player must navigate through rubble and radioactive water then up an incline in order to find the hidden cemetery. There are a number of notable buildings in the Arlington Cemetery area, such as Mama Dolce€™s and Arlington House. Mama Dolce€™s is a large food processing plant guarded by ghoulified Chinese soldiers, containing lots of handy consumables and a number of skill books. The cemetery itself is also remarkable for featuring a few tombstones with living flowers growing in front of them, something almost totally unique to the Capital Wasteland.
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