Fallout 3 Anniversary Edition: 9 Longstanding Issues Bethesda Must Fix

1. Make Shooting More Tactile

fallout 3

Even at the time, you could tell that Fallout 3 was Bethesda's first attempt at a shooter. The guns weren't quite as floaty as the swords in Oblivion, but the only weapon that really had a kick was the one that fired literal nuclear warheads. Even if you had pinpoint accuracy, shots would still whizz past enemies with reckless abandon, which could royally f**k up stealth builds.

Consequently, because playing through the game like an FPS was about as enjoyable as spending a night with a Super Mutant, it meant players relied even more heavily on VATS to get the job done. Hell, the devs have even admitted that as a straight shooter, the sequel is a pretty mediocre experience, as the outcome of every firefight was essentially a dice roll based on your character's build.

Bethesda have made great strides to improve on this aspect since that game though, with an overhauled combat system being implemented in Fallout 4. Even Obsidian's New Vegas fixed a lot of the issues, introducing an aim-down-sights feature, adding in weapon customisation and overall making the gunplay deeper.

That's probably the model the devs should use if they're planning on re-releasing Fallout 3, and could improve one of the most lacking elements of the iconic original.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3