Fallout 4: 10 Big Plot Theories From The Trailer

2. Parents

The trailer leads viewers in a way that the two adults shown appear to be the player character's parents. The 'Welcome Home' artwork even goes as far as suggesting this house is the player characters home. Hell, they even have a baby! Probably baby player character! Wooo! There we are! Now we can relax and prepare for a year of agony before the game is finally released. Except no. Because at the very end of the trailer the man, woman and child are all immolated by the nuclear hellfire. "So they're not our parents!? That isn't me!? Damn you Bethesdaaaaaa!" Of course if you watch the trailer again you might notice that there's a shot that looks a little too much like gameplay of a young child running toward the vault, with everyone else. The kid looks to be about 10 years old, and people are allowed to have more than one child - So in fact, it's entirely possible that the adults could be the player character's parents. When the alarms sound, everyone is trained to run to the vault and reconvene with their loved ones once inside. If the player character survives and their parents didn't make it into the vault, could this be a main plot point? Were their deaths malicious? Is the player character a nuclear orphan?
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Newcastle based filmmaker with a taste for world cinema, loud music, and good beer. Green Bay Packers fan.