Fallout 4: 10 Big Plot Theories From The Trailer

3. Three Dog Returns?

Erik Todd Dellums confirmed months ago (in a pretty open manner) that he'd been recording with Bethesda and we'd be hearing more of Fallout 3's radio-voice of reason: Three Dog. Three Dog was really popular with players and his missions were pretty fun, so it's no big surprise that he'll most likely be making an appearance, but he's hardly a central character - if he was it'd be pretty weird and it'd get meta faster than you could say his name, but either way - it'll be great to have him back. So it was nice, when watching the trailer, to notice that as the helicopter takes off, just under the Brotherhood member's shoulder, a poster for GNN - Galaxy News Network (the station that hosted Galaxy News Radio and home of Three Dog), can be spotted pasted to a wall in the distance. If Three Dog is making an appearance - then we can assume that Fallout 4 will come closely before or after 3 in canon, given that he's a human and radiation doesn't do wonders for the lifespan. It's worth noting that before 3, he was strung out on Jet and stumbling about the Capital Wasteland as part of an acting troupe, so it's looking more feasible that Fallout 4 will be set after 3.
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Newcastle based filmmaker with a taste for world cinema, loud music, and good beer. Green Bay Packers fan.