Fallout 4: 10 Big Plot Theories From The Trailer

9. Vault 111

The final Vault to be constructed was Vault 112, and as most fans of the franchise will remember - Vault 112 was that creepy place full of Robobrains, where Dr Braun (Creator of the G.E.C.K) had coaxed people into uploading themselves into a sort of weird, 1950s suburban American utopia - except Braun was a total psychopath and it all went wrong, because OF COURSE Braun was a total psychopath and it all went wrong, this is the Fallout universe! The interesting thing to think about is that as the Vaults get younger, the technology supporting them gets better. Vault 112 housed several cryogenic units and was tended to automatically by Robobrains. Vault 111 can't be much older than 112, so provided that there were no psychotic inhabitants - could 111 be one of the few perfect Vaults? If 111 is a thriving vault with no issues, in contrast to the harsh world outside - this could make for some interesting story developments. But then again - we all know about Vault-Tec and their love of human experimentation, which leads us squarely to a rumour that's been floating about for a while now:
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Newcastle based filmmaker with a taste for world cinema, loud music, and good beer. Green Bay Packers fan.