1. A Real, Voiced Protagonist
Even though he's one of the most beloved characters in gaming history, one Gordon Freeman isn't really a 'character' at all - at least not in any traditional sense. Instead the whole 'mute protagonist' thing has had varying implementations over the years, with Fallout (like Elder Scrolls) electing to give you a blank slate to carve yourself onto mostly for the better. For the most part it really works, but as rumours surrounding the game have covered everything from Ron Perlman himself being in the game to whoever you play as having access to a number of dialogue trees, Commander Shepard-style, it does make you wonder if playing as a voiced character would improve your agency in the world somewhat. It would certainly allow for better interaction with NPCs (something that again, Mass Effect proved can be a great source of entertainment in itself) and although nobody wants a cookie-cutter steampunk-styled badass dropping off the assembly line and into this rich world, the possibility for a fully voiced Fallout on the player's end could be exactly what's needed to take it to the next level. What are you most weary about when it comes to Fallout 4's release after so long? Let us know in the comments!