9. Platform Exclusivity
Another big one that's only going to go one of two ways - either Sony or Microsoft pony up the cash and secure Fallout as a temporary or long-term exclusive for the sake of getting people to buy their consoles (and they could, they've definitely got the means to do so), or it remains open to everyone. It's safe to say Bethesda aren't going to abandon their PC heritage any time soon, but even GTA had exclusive chunks siphoned off to big-bad Microsoft back in 2006. Lord knows both these companies need a defining reason to get you on board as the current generation whimpers along with more remasters filling the ranks than The Walking Dead has drops of blood, and as both Tomb Raider and Minecraft haven't done it for Microsoft yet, there's every chance their big step forward to regain some footing in a post-Kinect world would be to get that green X flying alongside one of Bethesda's finest.