Fallout 4: 10 Biggest WTF Moments From The E3 Demo

1. Jet-Packs

Jet-packs. There are freaking jet-packs. For a series that has scarcely dabbled with the idea of letting players have controllable vehicles, especially not in the more open expanses of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New vegas, the carefree inclusion of a player clad in power armour blasting across the Boston rooftops while annihilating an enemy with a minigun made for quite a startling sight. Whether it's a modification for suits of power armour or a separate mechanic is beyond the point, there's a lot of promise about this whole situation. The very situation in which the jet-pack was being used hints at the notion of cities and settlements being much larger and much more freely navigable. The freedom of movement ensures that gameplay and combat will be massively changed when the jet-pack is equipped: that's awesome.

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