Fallout 4: 10 Biggest WTF Moments From The E3 Demo

9. Special Enemy Moves

Enemies in Fallout games have always had more than one attack, but it's rarely made any substantial difference to the player's experience beyond a slight change to the aesthetics of combat: a bite or a swipe; a lunge or some kind of projectile. In the combat-heavy final trailer of the E3 demo, we saw two first-person examples of enemy special moves courtesy of the fan-favourite Deathclaw and the new Bloodbug, which appears to be some form of mutated mosquito. The Deathclaw can be seen picking the player up and stabbing them with its devastating claws while slightly later the Bloodbug appears to grapple the player in an attempt to drain them of blood or simply maul them with its disgusting mandibles. Whether this equates to more varied combat and a more visceral tone to potentially fatal encounters with the many inhabitants of this new wasteland is still unknown. What's clear is that Bethesda are clearly taking the series in their own direction, away from the stationary, turn-based combat of the initial Interplay titles and further down the road of Skyrim's often varied and fluid duels. They also looked pretty gruesome, which is always a plus. Even radscorpions, which have long been fairly binary in their attacking behaviour, were pictured disappearing underground and emerging within striking range of the player, suggesting a greater depth to combat than has previously been the case.

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