Fallout 4: 10 Characters We Need To See Again

10. Marcus

€œMy memories of being a human aren't as clear as they once were, but I remember pettiness, hatred, jealousy ... I prefer being a mutant.€

This hulking monstrosity of Fallout 2 fame made a return in Fallout: New Vegas, but his story is one that could easily be continued in future iterations of the series.

Originally a member of the Master's army, Marcus' once dogmatic attitude towards non-mutants has softened considerably, and the first-generation super mutant has since led a number of refugee groups made up of ghouls, humans and fellow super mutants.

Marcus may not be particularly funny or outlandish (certainly not by Fallout standards), but he offers a rational and humane perspective on the super mutant race, which is seldom made available elsewhere in the series. Considering the canonical relevance of Marcus throughout the franchise, it would be a shame to see his story simply abandoned as it was in the Mojave Wasteland.

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