Fallout 4: 10 Characters We Need To See Again

9. Victoria Watts

€œThis person, and he is a person, deserves a chance at freedom. Please, if there's a shred of decency in you, don't take that away from him.€

The Fallout games have often employed slavery as a motif to signify the depravity of humankind; it's an effective - if not repugnant - thematic tool. Fortunately, Fallout offers players an array of moral choices, and while we can continue to fuel the trade of humans, we can also choose to destroy it.

In Fallout 3 this choice cropped up a number of times, making players choose to either help the slavers or the aid slaves instead. In one of these scenarios however, the slave in question was an android and Victoria Watts was the philosophising angel on your shoulder, pleading for you to help the hapless creature.

Watts played a relatively minor role in the game, but her conviction and her overwhelming sense of righteousness left an indelible impression on many players. It would be wonderful to see her in another game, still striving to help those in need. Better still, she could offer more insight on the mysterious Railroad organisation that has supposedly dedicated itself to ensuring the freedom of all androids.

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