Fallout 4: 10 Craziest Fan-Demands That Won't Be Included

10. A Bug-Free Experience

Let's get this one out the way - Bethesda's last string of games have been far, far from perfect. Definitely jaw-dropping in their size and scope - when you're literally designing an entire world for people to roam around in, concessions with regards to what factors within will result in glitches must be made. At some point the game has to ship, and as much as you can take the time to think "What happens if X item is equipped by X character as they fall into X dungeon?" they'll simply never catch 'em all. Part of the problem in the past was you could feel Bethesda's game engines being stretched to breaking point - something that an overhaul definitely gets around, but opens up the possibilities for a whole new ballgame of headless glitches. So far Fallout 4 hasn't even been confirmed either, let alone put through beta testing, and it's highly unlikely that with those circumstances we're going to be in for anything other than a bumpy ride.
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