Fallout 4: 10 Crucial Things Fans Still Need To See At E3

7. Some Genuine Gameplay/How It Runs

It was so refreshing seeing some honest-to-goodness in-engine footage in a trailer for once. Far too many games rely on overblown CG cutscene-trailers that essentially tell you nothing, and even though things like the dog's animations didn't look that great or the character model detail wasn't as jaw-dropping as something like Batman: Arkham or Witcher 3 - it'll not be until things are in motion that you can judge appropriately. Don't forget, this is the first time Bethesda have made a new engine for one of their games since Skyrim, and we need to see the new HUD, the feel of animation in-motion, the transitions between things like the Pip-Boy and the map, etc. Some bugs and glitches are expected in a project this size (although Rockstar proved with enough quality control you can do a gargantuan game almost completely error-free in GTA V), but until we actually see Fallout 4 being controlled, fans will continue to hold their breath as to whether the graphical downgrade is worth it for the size of the world and the features therein.
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