Fallout 4: 10 Crucial Things Fans Still Need To See At E3
5. The Release Date
Rumours are abounding right now that Bethesda have already put the finishing touches on Fallout 4, the endgame being a release date later in 2015. Yes, 2015 - can you imagine it? It's very, very rare a major title gets shown at E3 and is actually in your hands the same year (unless you're Rockstar), but Bethesda have had a pretty solid track record at keeping things under wraps until the last possible second. To be fair, they've not had a first-party title out since 2011's Skyrim (Obsidian did New Vegas, and ZeniMax, Elder Scrolls Online), and we know F4 has been in development for at least that long. If Bethesda rock up to E3, simply say "Here it is, here's everything you requested and it'll be out this Fall" fans would quite possibly explode in a smartbomb of pure glee.