Fallout 4: 10 Crucial Things Fans Still Need To See At E3
4. If Those Graphics Are Final
Let's get one thing straight; graphics do not make a game. Do they matter to Massive Chalice's strategic prowess? Grow Home's retro polygonal look, or Axiom Verge's "I can't believe it's not 1986"-Metroid style? Of course not. Gameplay is what'll keep you coming back, not how much you can marvel at the sight of the sun setting on an apocalyptic cityscape. That said... what's on offer here doesn't look particularly 'next gen', instead it appears Bethesda are expanding their world size and the physics models therein to wow in other areas (check out those trolleys getting scattered at one point) rather than spending tens of thousands rendering hair models and shiny surfaces. If the atmosphere, tone and quest-design are spot on you genuinely won't care - it never hindered the "Holy F&%*!" reaction the first time you blew someone's brain apart in V.A.T.S, and it won't matter here. Still, let's see things in motion and either the PC owners can reconcile to modding their way to happiness, or console-owners will buckle up for a title that puts gameplay above all else.