Fallout 4: 10 Essential Features It Must Have

1. A Non-Mute Player Character

"Heresy!" many of you will scream, and you may be right. But this is a talking point spawned from the leaked memo Kotaku reported on, that showed an introductory script whereby instead of Ron Perlman's legendary drawl, it would be you who delivers the opening monologue. Now Bethesda do mute characters better than anyone, but in factoring in the idea of things like conversation options alongside some better cutscene-direction between you and the many characters you'll encounter, it could help elevate the immersive nature of 'living' within this world to an entire new level. This would have to be handled very carefully as skeptical fans are waiting with baited breath to see how much Bethesda will delve into more common first-person genre tropes for the sake of wider appeal, but a few lines of dialogue from a protagonist you can choose and fully embody might be the next great step. What do you need to see in Bethesda's next behemoth? Let us know in the comments!
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