Fallout 4: 10 Fan-Favourite Characters That Could Return

1. Vault Boy

Hey, what gives? Vault Boy isn't a recurring NPC, is he? Well, yes; of course he is. While Vault Boy may not be one of the wanderers that players bump into or befriend on their travels across the wasteland, there's no denying he is a repeat character and a pretty darn popular one at that. And is he non-playable? You bet. Inclusion justified. In all seriousness, the adventures and iconic animations of Vault Boy that are scattered throughout the wasteland are a part of what makes the game so immersive. He is an icon in the way that the twitter bird or Darth Vader are in the real world. He appears in various forms through the game, from helpful guides on the Pip Boy gadget to several publications that players can find within the game. Vault Boy is truly the poster boy of the apocalypse. It may well be a technicality to include him on this list, and his inclusion is quite probably a given. Imagining a next generation Fallout game without the smiley little bugger is just too much to bear. While the likelihood is that players of the game will never get to truly encounter him during their adventures, he simply has to return to be that humorous little guide that all survivors need to guide them through the horrors of the wasteland. And, who knows; perhaps one day players will meet the survivor responsible for his creation, or maybe even the chipper young lad on whom his appearance he was based. Keep on dreaming, wastelanders! Which other characters do you want to see return in Fallout 4? Let us know in the comments!

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.