As one of the most successful franchises in gaming, Fallout enjoys a devoted following from a large fanbase. Even though the series actually started in 1997 when the first Fallout game came out, many new fans were just recently introduced to the series with the reboot that saw the launch of Fallout 3. Despite its modern success, Fallout has a sketchy history. What initially started with two great games was followed with a few lackluster spin-offs that are, generally, not considered to be part of the Fallout canon and a host of cancelled games. Were it not for Bethesda reviving the series in 2008, the franchise would have quietly faded away into obscurity. Now the series is more popular than ever and fans are waiting with baited breath for any new announcement regarding Fallout 4. So, then, what does Fallout have that has turned us into such hardcore (and patient) fans? Despite there being a 10-year gap between Fallout 2 and 3, all of the old-school gamers were right there, ready to pick up where they left off and all the new ones were eager to jump into the Fallout universe for the very first time. There isnt any single thing which makes Fallout great. You wont really be seeing many people talk about how refined the gameplay is, how deep the leveling system is or how absolutely engaging the main story is. They are all good, but, in this case, the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. There are so many great moments you will be encountering through the Wasteland and some of them are guaranteed to turn you into a fan for life.
Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.