Fallout 4: 10 Jaw-Dropping Moments From The E3 2015 Demo

9. Play As Fully Voiced Male Or Female Characters

Not only is there going to be a fully voiced protagonist a la Mass Effect's Shepard, but you can switch your standard self-named male hero for a female, both as worthwhile choice as each other. Longtime Fallout fans are hopping on the "But it's not Fallout!" bandwagon, being that every character so far has been a total blank slate - but considering how creator Todd Howard has mentioned they're wanting to tell a more in-depth story, it should work wonders bringing that to life. In addition, the conversation system in Mass Effect was one of that series' highlights, its influence felt everywhere from Alpha Protocol to The Witcher and now here. With the tens of thousands of lines of dialogue now going across two protagonists - as well as all the reactionary comments from the NPCs around you that have always been gender-specific, it's one hell of an undertaking. Following this customisation of two parental figures before the bombs go off, your main hero's appearance will come as a mix of the two - rather like how GTA V's brilliant online creator worked.
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