Fallout 4: 10 Most Important Mods Every Player Needs

7. Robot Home Defence

Are those pesky kids from next door playing on your lawn? Do wandering merchants and trading caravans snigger at how primative your home looks? Or perhaps the Raiders, those anarchistic scum who prey on anything in their way, keep trying to smash down your territory?

Sure, you can create turrets and sentries to vaporize any intruder that looks at your home in a menacing or suggestive manner, but is it possible to craft anything more mobile and deadly? With the Robot Home Defense mod, you most certainly can! All it costs is the low, low price of one free download! And plenty of spare parts, pieces of scrap metal, etc.

Any smarty-pants with a knack for automatons (i.e. those with the very handy Robotic Expert perk on their side) can craft fully-functioning robots to keep their settlements safe and free of mutants, bandits and the like. As a plus point, the robots can even be recruited during your arduous trip into the unknown, and, let's face it, nothing could be better than a heavily-armoured, rocket-blasting Sentry Bot on your side during your nightly hunt for Super Mutants and rare loot.

Don't ever worry about creating too many of these mechanical guardian angels; they don't count towards the population cap, thankfully.


Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.