Fallout 4: 10 Most Important Mods Every Player Needs

3. Texture Optimisation Project


Look over the horizon, is that...? Yep, it's a squad of Super Mutants! Time for some double-barelled shotgun fun! Now to nip over and...oh, the frame rate is spiking and suddenly...dropping...and oh, for goodness sake, I'm surrounded... aaand now I've been blow up by a mini-nuke. Brilliant. This is the fourth time that's happened in the past week.

Such issues turn what could have been a dramatic conflict into a disappointing stalemate, all thanks to a lack of stability regarding the frame rate.

Avoid such things happening again with the Texture Optimization Project. Sacrificing what little emphasis on visuals are there in Fallout 4 (the mod makes some barely noticeable tweaks to the game's the visuals, reassuringly), textures are re-sized and compressed for the smoothest performance possible. Remember, graphics aren't everything. Being able to perforate any mad blood-sucker in your path is high-caliber explosive weaponry without being slowed down by an inconsistent performance, however, is undoubtedly the most important feature of the two.


Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.