Fallout 4: 10 Simple Fixes That Would Improve Everything

2. More Rewarding Loot

Loot is an essential aspect of Fallout. Since the first Fallout, everyone has been searching for all things rare, potent and wacky. The magic of scouring the wastes and finding something of more worth than an iron or a fission battery is still a surprisingly affecting one, and while nobody really knows why people love loot so much, gamers still organise their inventories with rigour in the firm belief that they'll come across something spectacular during their next adventure. Something that sadly tainted many of the greatest encounters in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas however, was the fact that the rewards were simply not up to scratch. After going through all the rigmarole of breaking into the Gun Runners' compound, wiping out its inhabitants and searching through every millimetre of the grounds, you'd be forgiven for thinking that you might have more to show for it than a couple of hunting rifles and some combat armour. The same can be said for many of the safes and lockers that scatter the wastelands, with those requiring the highest lockpick skill containing almost nothing of note despite their temptingly difficult accessibility. If Bethesda could give players more reason to go off in search of these challenges, then players would be more engaged with the next title; it's not as if it'd be particularly difficult to add a few more noteworthy items into the next title.
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Fallout 4
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