Fallout 4: 10 Simple Fixes That Would Improve Everything

8. Fewer Clipping Issues

Visual glitches have become part and parcel of gaming, but when they've become a defining characteristic of your company's titles then you should probably be working to remove them. However, while a degree of screen tearing and texture pop-in are to be expected, persistent clipping issues are not only visually distracting, but are also potentially harmful to gameplay. In a game that does so much to immerse players in a world where you create your own character before setting out to explore every nook and cranny of a meticulously designed vision of dystopian North America, it's the smallest visual inconsistencies that spoil the illusion. Annoyingly, clipping is everywhere in Bethesda's Fallout titles: characters protruding through walls, items poking through the ceiling, guns disappearing into the player's clothing when holstered, being unable to shoot an enemy because you are too close and have inadvertently clipped through them. By working on this issue, Bethesda could produce a vastly improved experience that was free from these forms of consistently detracting design flaws. At the very least, fastidious players would be able to use a great deal more of the items in the game, safe from the thought that the equipment might be clipping through their character's body or apparel when viewed in the third-person perspective.
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Fallout 4
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