Fallout 4: 10 Specific Things We Can't Wait To See Improved

9. Mantling & Climbing Animations

A byproduct of Bethesda's core Creation engine - especially in Skyrim with its vast array of mountainous areas and increased sense of verticality over both Fallouts - was the 'ability' to essentially climb anything, providing you could angle yourself towards where certain points in the world geometry would meet. This resulted in the short-lived (but occasionally brought up) term 'Skyrim'ing your way up something', as a way of connoting this awkward animation of mantling up things that's been present in all of Bethesda's games over the years. It'll be interesting to see if the core player animations have been extended and changed to such a degree where they can account for all sorts of ledges and world elements that we'll need to surmount. Although - for better or worse - it's definitely a signature part of Bethesda's games to get around in this way, having it remedied would go a long way to improving the overall experience.
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