Fallout 4: 10 Specific Things We Can't Wait To See Improved

8. How Customisable V.A.T.S Can Be

Slow-motion, man. It never gets old - especially when you're blasting the brains out of a string of Raiders with a whopping great shotgun, their entrails splaying the ground all around you after a successful shot. With any luck, Fallout 4's more immediate implementation of the age-old system (by keeping it as a single button-press, but now letting the action continue) will allow for a seamless transition between regular gameplay and the mode itself - providing the framerate can stay around 30, anyway. Many fans (including myself) have lamented the fact that V.A.T.S. used to stop the game and give you time to pause, assess the situation and act accordingly, and it'll be very interesting to see if you can spec your character in a way that not only allows for a more natural feel, but also pleases those who like to take their battles one foe at a time.
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Gaming Editor

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