Fallout 4: 10 Things That Would Make It Better For Newcomers

1. Make Third Person Work

There's no hard or fast rule when it comes to deciding which is better between first and third person perspectives - everything from Halo to Gears of War proved either can be perfected - but if you're going to let your (essentially first-person) experience cater to an over-shoulder perspective, it shouldn't then still control exactly the same. There are certain gameplay elements that just work imminently better in the latter perspective, such as taking cover, utilising melee combat and being able to take on multiple opponents - not to mention keeping an eye on a fast-moving close-quarters foe. If Fallout 4 is going to allow for a third person perspective again, it needs to feel welcoming and appropriate for whichever style of play you decide to employ, rather than the fairly awkward-feeling sensation beforehand. Have you tried Fallout and came away displeased? Maybe you've been a fan for years and demand the series maintain a certain barrier for entry? Let us know in the comments what you want refined for Fallout 4!
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Gaming Editor

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