Fallout 4: 10 Things That Would Make It Better For Newcomers

10. Seamless V.A.T.S. Integration

Bethesda's new take on melding the turn-based RPG trope of old with the idea of first-person gunplay was a remarkable step in the right direction, but it's still very rough around the edges. Clicking into it mid-fight feels more like you're tapping into a game engine-pausing debug menu than a feature you're supposed to use, and with the shooting itself already feeling very flat and lifeless, for those who came to Fallout to partake in some post-apocalyptic gun battles, they were left very unsatisfied. For Fallout 4, V.A.T.S. needs to be a seamless part of the whole game experience, not something that although it's incredibly satisfying to blow enemy body parts to Kingdom Come, feels like a weird combat mode you 'force' the game into.
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