Fallout 4: 10 Things That Must Happen In 2015

9. A Next-Generation Showcase

Finally as the year's switch and 2015 kicks in, it feels like there's been enough notable titles released for the likes of the PS4 and Xbox One that they're accepted as 'current gen' tech and not the slightly mystifying 'next gen' label that hung around long after launch. As mentioned in the intro Bethesda have unintentionally carved out and maintained an identity based on a certain amount of failure when it comes to technical proficiency - there's no doubt they've mastered the ability to elasticate the boundaries of game design, but when it comes to delivering a product that both shows off what the hardware can do and holds up under scrutiny, they've constantly fallen down. You need only take one look at what modders have done to Skyrim over the years to get an idea of what the out-the-gate version of Fallout should look like. Fans are well aware of how outdated both the Gamebryo and Creation game engines are, especially when looking back on them, and as much as that could be the reason this is taking so long to come out, everyone needs to see a game that looks supremely polished from the get-go with none of the outdated animation and stilted combat feel of yesteryear.
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