Fallout 4: 10 Things That Must Happen In 2015

5. Confirmation Bethesda Have Listened To Complaints

Broken graphics renders, glitches making characters slide in and out of houses, quest-givers not being where they should be, escort-able characters falling off cliffs, saves auto-expanding in size until they brick the entire game... you name it, a Bethesda title has had it. Many fans reconcile that few developers even have the cajones to attempt projects as lofty and life-consuming as theres, with the fallback being that maybe the finished piece just doesn't run that well. You know what you're getting into with a Bethesda title, and maybe that should be that - it'll get fixed in the weeks and months after release, but at least what's out there is playable right now, right? Wrong, as sometimes it isn't even that. Obviously this is a Fallout article, but one of the biggest issues with Skyrim - and something that led fans to wondering whether the newer Creation engine was really just the renamed Gamebryo tech - was that the aforementioned save system on PS3 would over-inflate in size to the point where the game wouldn't even load. Bethesda have rarely been appropriately grilled for their mistakes, and although they remain a very loveable and well-meaning studio, some one-on-ones with key figures of the team explaining their coding processes would go a long way to getting across exactly what's coming and how it's being delivered.
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Fallout 4
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